Дата публикации: 05.12.2020

Project Night (Steam Key Region Free / ROW)


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Project Night is a single-player, survival horror game developed with Unity 3D.
Do you remember the survival horror genre in 90?s? The atmosphere? The fear?
The main character is alone and near a forest,
he doesn?t remember anything about his life, or this place.
What has happened? Where is he? Who is he?


- Gameplay:
In the 90?s, survival horror was beautiful and scary, but also a little "slow".
Project Night?s gameplay will give you the opportunity to pick up items, bullets and open doors just by touching them. This changes everything.

- Cameras:
Do you remember the beautiful camera angles in 90s? So, why don?t we try to evolve it?
Sometimes, camera-angles can change the way you play the game....

- Exploring places:
In Project Night, you can explore several places, including forests, cities and buildings.
Sometimes you?ll play in a small free-roaming game.
Never forget, check the map (if available), This could help you in big areas.

- Bullets:
It?s not easy to survive with a only a few bullets. Before shooting, think about this.

- Medikits:
These will help you survive. Find these and pray.

- Files:
The files will help you understand the story. Explores areas, find the files and discover the truth.

- HUD :
If you want the full 90?s experience, you?re able to hide the heads up display in real time.

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Инструкция по активации ключа в Steam:

1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/about (если еще не установлен)
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий.
3. Нажмите кнопку "Добавить игру - активировать через Steam" и следуйте инструкции. После активации игра появится в списке игр и вы сможете ее скачать.
4. Процесс установки (скачивания) занимает около 15-45 минут (в зависимости от Вашего интернет-канала).

Цена: 299 руб.

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